Poker Outs Explained

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Once the flop has been dealt in Texas Hold'em, you'll be able to count your outs and know how likely it is your hand will improve. That will tell you whether you should stay in the hand or fold.
You can figure out your outs and odds for any hand, but here is a quick and dirty list of the most common scenarios:

Texas Hold'em Cheat SheetOdds Based on Outs after the Flop

If after the flop, you have:
Two outs: Your odds are 11 to 1 (about 8.5 percent)
A common scenario would be when you have a pair and you are hoping your pair becomes a three-of-a-kind (a set).
Four outs: Your odds are 5 to 1 (about 16.5 percent)
A common scenario would be when you are trying to hit an inside straight draw (there are 4 cards of one number that will complete the straight) or you have two pairs and you hope to make a full house (there are three cards remaining of one number and two of the other).
Eight outs: Your odds are 2 to 1 (about 31 percent)
A common scenario would be that you have an open-ended straight draw. There are four remaining cards of two different numbers that will complete your straight, on the high end and on the low end.
Nine outs: Your odds are 2 to 1 (about 35 percent)
This is the common scenario when you have a flush draw. Any of the nine remaining cards of the suit will give you a flush.

Wising up when you enter a poker game means knowing your stuff. That includes everything from knowing the rules of poker games, knowing the forms of poker you prefer to play, and knowing, for. How to count outs is one of the first things people learn when they pick up a poker book or are taught the game by a friend. When played properly poker is a game of making good decisions based on the odds you are being offered.


Fifteen outs: Your odds are 1 to 1 (about 54 percent)
A scenario for this is having a straight and flush draw, where either any of the nine remaining cards of the suit will give you a flush, while there are four cards remaining of each of two numbers that would complete a straight. However, you don't count the same cards twice as outs, so those of suit you hope to get don't count again.

Poker Odds Tell You the Probability of Winning Any Given Hand Before we can get into a discussion of poker odds while playing poker online, you need to know how to calculate your 'outs.' True, but the argument can be extended to any non-nut outs, hence why one has to add a value to the none pure outs( the over cards is probably good 1/2, therefore I have a extra 3 outs) Thinking in terms of outs is an admittedly imperfect form of analysis insofar as it does not consider their potential non-nuttedness, and the connected.

The Rule of Four and Two

These odds only apply to counting both the turn and the river, so they assume you will stay in the hand until the showdown. Your odds are only about half as good for a single card draw, such taking the hit on the turn or taking the hit on the river. A common way of looking at the difference in the odds when you will be seeing two cards compared with one is called the Rule of 4 and 2.

After the flop, count your outs and multiply them by four to get your percentage odds. This doesn't give you an exact number, but it is quickly in the ballpark. With 15 outs, 4 x 15 = 55 percent you'll complete that straight or flush with the next two draws.

However, when you are calculating the odds that a single draw will improve your hand, you multiply the outs by two rather than 4. With 15 outs, 2 x 15 = 30 percent chance.

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Learning how to count your outs and calculate your chances of winning the pot are two of the most important skills winning poker players possess. The whole process sounds a lot harder than it actually is but it does take a little study to get the hang of it. Once you do, however, your outs and odds calculations will come without thought.

Outs Explained

'Out' is simply a term used to describe any yet-to-come card that will win the hand for you. For example, if you have a diamond flush draw, any diamond remaining in the deck would be considered an out. Because there are 13 cards of each suit in the deck and you have seen four of them already (2 in your hand and two on the board), you would have 9 outs in this example.

Another example would be if you had two pair but think your opponent has a better hand. You have 4 outs to win the hand because there are 4 cards left in the deck that could improve your two pair to a full house.

Counting Your Outs

Poker Outs Explained Game

All your calculations are useless if you don't count your outs correctly. Don't worry about what may or may not be in your opponents' hands; just count your outs as if it's just you and the deck.

The most common draws are pretty straightforward. Flushes have 9 outs, open-ended straight draws have 8 outs and inside straight draws have 4 outs. Other draws are harder to count because you might not know for sure what cards you need to win your hand. These include draws like improving from one pair to two pair, two pair to full house, and so on.

With those less-defined types of draws, the weaker your opponent's hand, the more outs you have. Say you have AK and missed the flop but you think your opponent only has a low pair. You would have 6 outs - 3 aces and 3 kings - to beat your opponent.

Counterfeit Outs

Counterfeit outs are outs that don't actually help your hand - in fact they're quite dangerous. For example, let's say you are still on that flush draw but your opponent has a set. You need to discount any flush cards that pair the board because those cards would give your opponent a full house. Counterfeit outs can give you very expensive second-best hands so make sure you never forget to discount these from your outs total.

Calculating the Odds of Catching an Out

There are two ways to calculate the chances of you catching an out. One method involves a big, nasty equation and the other method is simple but not as accurate. Long equations are useless at the poker table so we'll cover the simple method here.

After you know how many outs you have, multiply that number by 4 to get your approximate chance of hitting that card on either of the next two streets. With a flush draw, you multiply your 9 outs by 4 to get 36%. This is close enough and simple enough to be useful at the tables.

If you're on the turn and only have one card to go, multiply your outs by 2 to find the percentage of chance you have. With a flush draw, you would take 9 times 2 to get an 18% chance to hit on the next card.

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